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is it still time to build?

Announcing the New Nestor

Originally posted on Medium

I’m proud to take the covers off the new avatar of Nestor — it’s a programmable Slack Bot that supercharges your team. Nestor comes with a bunch of super powers that enable your team to get productive immediately (so Heroku, Mixpanel, CircleCI, Github, Papertrail, Librato and more!)

Nestor is one of the three featured apps on the Slack App Store this week, so get it while it’s hot! Read about Slack’s great writeup here.

But the great thing is that if you want to add your own powers that customizes Nestor to exactly fit your team, you can code your own powers in Javascript in a matter of seconds.

Nestor comes with its own developer toolkit and it is super easy to get started with your own bot powers. There are some great features in the pipeline too and you can follow along all of the changes here.

Install Nestor to your team from the Slack App Store today and get productive immediately!